It is a sad fact that up to 80% of new businesses fail within the first 2 years and I am certain that the reason for this is a lack of understanding the fundamental principles of running a successful business together with a lack of planning.
My ROAD MAP TO SUCCESS Programmes are focused on connecting YOU with your WHY and Passion and creating long term business success.
I believe that in order to grow a successful business, we must first create strong foundations and framework in order to then build the long term success. We need something to hang our business on, otherwise it will all collapse at the first hurdle or hurricane!
It is also essential that we understand WHY we want to create this particular idea into a successful business.
Creating a strong successful business requires a great deal of time and effort and can be very challenging at times. There will be many frustrations and disappointments and without a deep belief in the core of your business and the reasons WHY you want to create this business, these humps in the rocky road to success can and does cause many to give up and walk away.

This can make people feel like they are a failure - they aren’t! Most successful business people tried many things before they found the one that gave them the success they wanted! They may feel, or be told, they are not cut out for running their own business, but this is not necessarily the case. I know that, with the right skills, support and guidance, anyone can create a successful business that suits them and can create or at least contribute to the lifestyle they desire.
I guide my clients through a deep Analytical Process to help them increase their belief, confidence and certainty in their idea and then guide them through the process of skills analysis and understanding how to ensure that they have all the essential aspects of a successful business covered and that they have the correct products and services for their growing success.

The Road Map to Success programmes cover every aspect of being in business, making sure that clients understand the questions to ask about the services that they will need to outsource or buy in.
So the subjects that we will be looking at include:
Areas we will work on in-depth
- Explore feasibility of new business ideas.
- Focused Business Planning inc SWOT/ WHY?
- Legal Status - inc Licences / Insurance
- Budgets & Book Keeping - essential to get this right from the start.
- Accounting – Even in these days of doing everything digitally, it is still crucial to get the right system, Understand the Principles & Accountant. Getting this wrong will cost you money!
- Admin - Essential to have robust easy to manage systems.
- Networking and Business Presentation Skills (from 60 Secs to 30 minute Presentation)
- Advanced Public Speaking Skills to deliver engaging Presentations up to 60 minutes.
- Premises or Home - where is the best place for you set up & run your business?
- Looking forward to Employing staff – Next stage Development & what’s required, Leadership Skills, Managing increased Financial Commitments.
- Becoming a Great Employer - Developing Job Descriptions, Finding Staff, Contracts, Creating a strong loyal team, Successfully managing people.
Areas we will discuss what you need, and you will get my advice on content, but as these are not my area of expertise, so you will be referred to highly experienced, trusted professionals from my Network, (if needed) who will work with you and deliver what you need for where you are right now:
- Website Creation - How big / What type
- Branding
- Social Media - Ensure that you use the right type for your business & clients
- Marketing
- Health & Safety
- Any other services that may be relevant to the clients business idea.