Books I’ve contributed to as a co-author

The Small Business Owners Handbook
ISBN-13: 978-1739184209

Available from Waterstones and Amazon

Picture a group of 23 business owners, all at different levels of success within their business. Now consider the amount of learning they've all had through their unique business journeys within different industries. The mistakes each and every one has made. The drive and motivation needed to continue. The lessons learned. The experience each can bring to the table through their unique strengths, knowledge and skills.

This book is a MUST-READ for anyone in business. It's a continued learning journey for all who embark on the world of self-employment and these Authors share such valuable insight throughout the 42 chapters in this book.

The Secrets of 99 Successful Women
ISBN: 978-1739184216

Available from Waterstones and Amazon

Society has constructed a concept that success is measured in assets, wealth, riches and material goods, when in fact most people construe success as a healthy and happy family life, time freedom, flexibility, simplicity and many other areas out with financial benefits.

The aim of this book was to go beyond this and find out what success means to women from every background, and across continents, thus giving us a better understanding of what really fulfils us.

There is a mix of successful women business owners, mothers, artists, doctors, coaches, writers, directors and many more who have shared their own interpretation of success in their lives within this book. This ranges from addiction, trauma, business success, mindset changes, chronic pain, illness and every aspect of a ‘WIN’ in someone’s life.

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